The KEØVH Hamshack For June 2014
By Jack Roland, CBRE, AMD and CBNT
KLove /Air 1 EMF Colorado Engineering.
Well summer is here, we have a full slate of things to do here in Colorado and EMF. We are hopefully going to get KIQN in Rye CO up and running at 100 kw ERP to cover most of SE CO including Pueblo and Colorado Springs.
DXLab is a freeware suite of eight interoperating applications that can be installed independently in any order. When multiple applications are running, they sense each other’s presence and automatically interoperate to support your Amateur Radio DXing activities. Dave, AA6YQ writes and distributes this software mainly out of a love for ham radio and computer software coding. I have been using this for several months now and it evens controls my older Yaesu FT757GX2 rig. You can spot dx, do your logging, see where the station is in the world you are trying to talk to, make your own dx spots, have a direct interaction with Logbook Of The World and EQSL, and just tons more of features. And all for FREE! One of the nice features too is that when you log a callsign it will automatically lookup the call and give you all the hams information, either via a callbook you have on your computer, or via the internet to a couple of different sites if you are a member, OR for free via which I am writing about down the page.
Have you heard about Hamqth the website ( ? I really like this one for ham information, call lookups, and even logging and storage. It also interfaces with my DXLabs Suite Ham lookups when you enter a callsign in the logpage.
My lovely wife Mai and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on May 25th! Thanks be to God for giving me the Love of my life, 8 children, and more blessings than a man can ask for. I am more grateful than can be expressed on page. Thank you Lord and Mai! We took a long awaited vacation in June thru New Mexico, 4 corners, and Mesa Verde. Many projects kept me from writing a longer “Hamshack” article this month, I will follow up next month.
Don’t forget the SBE IRLP (and Echolink) Hamnet, the first Saturday of the month. AND the EMF Hamnet now is the same manner on every Monday evening at 7pm Mountain time for radio discussions, both broadcast engineering and Amateur radio. Details on how to join are at I hope you will be able to join us and share your engineering and ham exploits!
73’, God be with you, & see you next time! KEØVH