By Jack Roland, CBRE, CBNT, and AMD
KLove /Air 1 Denver Engineering.
Greetings, a little late for the month of April as it has been a busy month. Lots of places to go and visit and work at, the KLove Pledge drive just wound up, and we have had a lot of snow so some site visits are having to be postponed at this point. Last month, I had the fun opportunity to go the the antique radio show put on at the Marriot in north Denver. Greg, WB7AHO and I attended and saw some incredible examples of radios and televisions and technology from the tube era. There were fine collections and a flea market too with a lot of really cool radios and other items for sale. One gentlemen had a whole table of several of every Zenith Transoceanic made if various states of “needs attention and restoration”. Here are some pictures of the various collection examples.
From the Zenith Transoceanic line, a model &G605 from the 30’s and a 8G8005Y from the late 40’s.
Down the line aodel G-500, H-500, and rare leather B-600 Transoceanic
A 1950’s Admiral TV, yes, showing the “Honeymooners”, and a NBC “chimes” display.
And some military radios from back in the day.
And that evening, after visiting this show, I was really pumped up to work on my Transoceanics. One of the things to do was to really liven up the lettering on my *8G005Y and H-500 that I own. My daughter Emily (ham call KCØYYG) is quite an artist and has a very steady hand. So while I polished brass, she re-painted the lettering on the front panel and bandswitch buttons.
Emily working on the “Zenith” lettering on the front panel of the 8G005Y Transoceanic
Handpainting the bandswitch buttons, and the finished buttons ready to re-install
My 8G005Y and H-500 after a partial cleaning but fully operational, they sound amazing!
Next month pics of the fully cosmetically restored radios!
As always don’t forget the SBE IRLP (and Echolink) Hamnet, the first Saturday of the month. Details on how to join are at I hope you will be able to join us and share your engineering and ham exploits!
73’, God be with you, & see you next time! KEØVH