Greetings all! I hope this month finds you safe and well, and that this whole ordeal hasn’t been too bad on you and your family. I pray for all those so severely affected and I hope you do too. Lets help out those we can when we can and keep each other in prayer and care!
I have been having a ton of fun with FT8 on just about all bands over the last couple of months. I have worked more than 200 stations on all the bands on this really fun digital mode. I have also worked countries that I never have before, including a Ukrainian maritime mobile station. Absolutely fascinating what comes up on your WSJT-X software screen. It was SO EASY to interface with the FT-991A and its onboard soundcard. Plus I am doing Winlink email via VHF and the soundmodem software and Winlink Express. Here is a sample of my logbook loaded onto as of this writing:
Lots of fun to be had with the very exciting and easy to get on mode.
And another exciting evening back in April! Literally around the world!
I have yet to work the Mongolian station I heard on recently but will keep trying of course!
Brad, KEØLLH who is a member of the that I am also a member of, has built this really nice 6 meter dipole for doing FT8 and meteor scatter here in the Denver area. This group actively spots band openings and different mode communication abilities and shares via email as events occur. There have been some exciting openings on 6 and 10 meters lately, even some on 2 meters. If you are interested, I would encourage you to check out this fun forum!
Here is another antenna idea from the group! A nicely made 6- and 10-meter combined antenna.
Talking to Cris W5WCA via FUSION recently.
And now the latest with the SkyHubLink System!
We are actively working on getting the Warren Mountain 146.88 analog repeater on the air via AllStar here as soon as possible but have ran into some issues as far as the repeater being able to solidly hear the link radio from a remote site yet to be determined. More on this as it develops. We have decided at this time to keep KEØVH/R at the Lookout Mountain site and possibly put another repeater to be determined at the Milner site above Loveland. Our good friend Vic Michaels, a ham himself although inactive, has been very accommodating to our ham group in allowing us to be on his site on Lookout Mountain and to be able to put a repeater at Milner. This would give the SkyHubLink continuous front range coverage from Monument Hill to the Wyoming boarder. We also are grateful for Daryl W3ORR for the Wires-X simplex node in Cheyenne. We hope one day to be able to utilize Daryl’s node to connect to a Fusion full repeater in Cheyenne. We also hope to have Eldorado Mountain’s 447.175 from the CRA connected into the SkyHubLink soon. This would provide that coverage fully north of Ft. Collins and a good coverage of the Boulder “RF hole”. That would really be exciting to be able to do. We have a simplex Wires-X node in the Dillon/Silverthorne area via the N5SKH-ND system thanks to Steve N5SKH. It doesn’t cover a lot, but we hope to expand that sometime soon too. AND, soon Glenwood Springs, Rifle, Carbondale, and probably almost to Aspen will be covered via Wires-X with Andre’s NØSWE Fusion repeater. This will literally then make the I-70 corridor from Denver to the Utah State line coverage complete for the SkyHubLink.
We are excited to announce too that now the SkyHubLink has two new affiliate partnering repeaters to add to the group! The first is the Andy’s AllStar Akron Colorado based NØSTY repeater on 449.925 MHz, 100 hz pl. It covers the town of Akron and about 7 miles out currently. Also welcome to our new friend Jeff AK6OK, and the Fusion Wires-X repeater on 147.360 that covers a HUGE area NE of Sacramento CA, including all our EMF/K-LOVE friends and fellow hams/engineers around Akron CA and Rocklin CA! I am more excited about this than I can tell you! 😊 The repeater site above Akron CA is really cool, as you can see in these pictures:
The site also has a fully remote-controlled HF Station! See Jeff’s webpage at for all the information on what they are doing there!
A panorama of the view from the K6IOK site and below some of the “residents” that live there, no kiddin’!
And below you can see Jeff and one of his friends during a site visit! Nice companions while you work on the repeater systems right Jeff? 😊
Maybe another ham hangin’ with Jeff????? No, wrong animal……..
Coverage for AK6OK FUSION Wires-X, now on the SkyHubLink
A busy day on the SkyHubLink! What’s the use of quiet repeaters? No, really!!!
And the Wires-X Connections into SkyHubLink
In the above picture of the Wires-X nodes, you see at this time that, in order left to right, are the Dillon simplex node, 449.625 KE0VH-repeater on Lookout Mountain above Golden CO, W3ORR simplex node Cheyenne WE, 448.350 KD0SSP repeater in Lakewood CO, the Rocklin CA K6IOK repeater, and the 449.600 Warren Mountain repeater above the SW section of the Denver metro area. This then links into the rest of the system via the YSF Radio node at my house that is on the 448.350 repeater frequency and then via internet into the SkyHubLink server. The diagram below lists the primary backbone system of the SkyHubLink.
More system news: From up in NE CO, Danny NØPRG is working along with his guys on their system that will also be linked in soon. Look for coverage for Steamboat Springs, Craig and another link, probably DMR into Grand Junction. That will be coming up this summer and check back in future editions of “The Hamshack” for more information. We are also hoping that our good friend Andre NØSWE will get his Fusion Wires-X repeater on the air as soon as the road becomes passable up on Sunlight Peak above Glenwood Springs. It will cover a massive area from Eagle CO to out near
Also I will send out information on the email list as it becomes available. If you would like to be on the list but are not at this time, email me at By the way, I need to thank folks for the help, maintenance, and connections that make the SkyHubLink system possible:
Skyler WØSKY SkyHubLink Team (System Chief Engineer)
Jeremy WØJRL SkyHubLink Team (System software engineer)
Mark NØXRX, Denver Water Amateur Radio Club
Scott KDØSIY, Denver Water Amateur Radio Club
Tom KD4DT, Denver Radio League
Keri KBØYNA, Western Slope CO AllStar System
Mike KIØGO, Rocky Mountain Radio League
Dunnigan K1DUN, Rocky Mountain Radio League
Jeff AK6OK, Rocklin CA Fusion System Rocklin CA
Steve N5SSH Fusion Simplex node Dillon/Silverthorne CO
I have people ask me from time to time where to download the software for programming TYT radios for DMR. This webpage has a depository for just about any model radio TYT makes, and it is where I go
And, it you are an Anytone DMR Radio user, we have a SkyHubLink member who is our resident “expert” 😊. Tim KAØAAI writes his own codeplugs for these radio’s and really knows them well. Email or text me at 303-704-3290 and I will put you in touch.
Seen at a LOVE’s Truck Stop near Cheyenne. Any idea what kind of antenna this is? I was going to ask the guy, but he was on the phone the whole time pumping gas and then quickly drove off!
Using the mobile hotspot linked thru the cellphone to the SkyHubLink in Colorado City CO talking the Dayrl W3ORR in Cheyenne. Love the Fusion feature of being able to see distance to station you are talking too. VERY COOL!
Watching a war movie on AmazonPrime one evening, look at this jewel that was a movie prop! A VERY RARE Zenith Transoceanic BOMBER model 7G605 (circa 1942). A working good condition model is a real treasure! I’ve only seen one in real life at an antique store and it was in awful condition but still very expensive. When restored and operating, I don’t even want to know what the price would be! 😊 See a video about this radio at:
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