Jack Roland KEØVH@q.com

KLove /Air 1 Denver Engineering
from KEØVH and KDØTRZ!

My Christmas Decoration!

Yes Patrick, my partner and KLove engineer is now KDØTRZ.  He has been active on the local repeaters with me and is making new friends.  We have used the ham radio to stay in touch with friends locally and across Colorado via the Colorado Connection.  It will be very useful to have use of our radios while out on trips to remote sites.

The beginning of November was a busy time of installing the new remote control system by Relio replacing the older Burk system in use for many years at KLDV in Denver.  We have an expert guy from the KLOVE offices in Rocklin who came out to help with the changeover and install.  We ripped out all the old wiring and remote control units and interfaces and did a full rewire and reinstall of the equipment in the rack.

RackBack Before Rewire

RackBack Before Rewire

Rack after rewire

The Relio system has many more capabilities and is much less difficult to deal with than the older Burk system.  We had a problem with the Aux Transmitter interface as that transmitter is a much older (60’s vintage) Rockwell Collins 831G-2A.  The documentation at the site on this transmitter was incomplete at best and evidently according to Continental electronics is a somewhat “hybrid” version of this transmitter and the information we had obtained in the beginning was not complete and/or correct. One of the wires for the Automatic power remote control switching wasn’t designated correctly, and when we hooked it up and powered all up the wire completely melted and burnt to a crisp.  It took another day to figure out where (with the help of John at Continental reading 3 different schematics) how to get the remote control system working correctly with the transmitter.   Matt Rigdon from KLove in Rocklin did an excellent job with all the wiring and reconfiguring, and finally after 2 days of struggle we got all that work done and sent Matt home.

Since then we have made trips to Gunnison and Lake City Colorado, to Sterling and Laramie, and many points along the way including a trip up Castle Peak in the Argo Avenger 740.  We carried ham radio with us and I will be posting a video of that trip soon on my YouTube “channel”.  Ke0vhjacktv.  Check it out when you get the chance for some trip videos that Patrick and I have taken.

The Argo 740 on top of Castle Peak near Eagle Colorado

WXØPIX Ham Shack

By the way, here is a great shack here in Denver, the shack of Chris, WXØPIX.  I will be featuring a different hamshack as often as possible.  If you would like send me a picture and I will feature yours.

And as always don’t forget the SBE IRLP (and Echolink) Hamnet, the first Saturday of the month.  Details on how to join are at  http://www.qsl.net/ke0vh/sbehamnet.  Thanks to WB7AHO, W5WCA, KDØCIC, W7MSL, N0PQV, KTØS, WB2ZST, and others.  I hope you will be able to join us and share your engineering and ham exploits!

73’, God be with you, & see you next time!