I know they say the older the get the faster time flies. If that is the truth, I don’t know how I’ll handle it when I’m older. At the age of 36, time feels like its going at warp speed. I can’t believe February is already here.
At Crawford Broadcasting here in Denver, things have been somewhat slow. We are working on moving one of our stations to a new location as we are losing our current one. But that is really for someone else to plan it out and me to execute when the time comes. One funny thing that happened, well maybe not so funny, was one of our engineers in another market had our Anritsu MS2721A analyzer. This analyzer quit charging batteries years ago so we bought a separate charger for the batteries. It fit in the case so we always sent it along just in case. This engineer was in a hurry one day and just wasn’t paying attention. Noticed the analyzer was dead so he grabbed the first plug and used it to charge the unit, not realizing it wouldn’t work. He grabbed the wrong plug and put 24V into the unit frying it. We have been trying to find parts to repair it for weeks but unfortunately, this is a discontinued item and finding the parts has proven impossible. To get us up and running again Cris Alexander found a used Anritsu MS2721B for us to use. It has a few more features and the setup of it is slightly different but we are figuring it out. Now the question is whether to get a second one or not to have in another market rather than send ours out all the time.
We are hard at work with getting the new website up and running. We’ve run into a few issues here and there but I think we are getting close. My hope is to have it live by the end of the month. Keep checking back and let us know what you think when it’s done!
We have some upcoming meetings beginning February 16 with a presentation by Joseph Castellano from Leader Instruments on monitoring video, audio and ancillary data in a hybrid SDI-IP world. March will be a presentation from LumenServ. Every meeting is held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM. Currently all meetings are over Zoom so please check the website or your email for a registration link so you can join in on those meetings. E-mails are typically sent the beginning of the month and the Monday before the meeting. You can always email us at smpte-sbe48@outlook.com if you have any questions.
I hope everyone has a great month. We’ll see you soon!