Ramblings from the Mind of Amanda
By Amanda Hopp
Chief Engineer
Crawford Broadcasting, Denver
January 2022 is here. I don’t know what’s scarier, the fact that another year has come and gone all too quickly, or that they are saying it is 20-20 too. Let’s hope it’s not a repeat of 2020, but instead a better year than 2021.
For those of you who are new to our chapter a few things of note. First, we are a combined chapter. We are SBE Chapter 48 and SMPTE The Rocky Mountain Chapter. We tend to do joint meetings, rotating between SBE and SMPTE on the content. Anyone is welcome to these meetings and we encourage you to participate. I know for SBE you get credit towards your recertification for each meeting you attend. Plus, we all try to pick topics that will benefit and educate the group.
We have several great meetings already planned in 2022 beginning with the January 19th meeting. For the time being meetings will be held over Zoom. Tieline will be presenting on Surviving Remote Broadcasting During A Pandemic. February will be on Monitoring Video, Audio and ANC data in a hybrid SDI-IP World by Leader. March will end the first quarter with a presentation by LumenServe. If you have a topic in mind you’d like to see covered over the coming months, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on the contact page.
I am not sure when we will go back to in-person meetings, however with the online meeting, we are able to easily record and post to our YouTube account. We will do our best to continue this when we do go back to in-person.
We are also hard at work at revamping this website. It has been a long process and to say the current website is due for a remodel is an understatement. I am hoping to get the final touches done soon so we can have it go live in January sometime.
I look forward to 2022 and to seeing you all at our online meetings.