Cris Alexander

Random Radio Thoughts – September 2015

             Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB            Crawford Broadcasting Company HD Radio Alerting There are lots of good things going on in the HD Radio world these days, all of which couldn’t have come at a better time. Although HD Radio continues to make...

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Random Radio Thoughts – August 2015

                                Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB                     Crawford Broadcasting Company Crawford Island As we head into the heat of August, the cool rains of May and June are a distant memory, but the evidence they left behind is still...

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Random Radio Thoughts for September 2013

Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB Crawford Broadcasting Company It’s hard to believe that another Colorado summer is already just about in the books. I trust that each of you completed your outdoor projects while we had the good (and hot!) weather. Now, think snow! New...

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Random Radio Thoughts for June 2013

    Random Radio Thoughts Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB Crawford Broadcasting Company   The Future of AM There has been a lot of traffic lately on the future of the AM band. Some of this was triggered by FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai’s AM improvement push, but there has...

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Random Radio Thoughts

   Random Radio Thoughts Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB Crawford Broadcasting Company   Automobile Antennas In my job, I travel a lot. And in those travels, I rent a lot of cars, which gives me a good bit of exposure to the various entertainment system offerings...

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Random Radio Thoughts – March 2013

Random Radio Thoughts Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB Crawford Broadcasting Company  It’s Been Awhile…  Indeed it has been awhile since I have written anything for these pages. It wasn’t for lack of something to say; rather, it was because I was busy, doing the Fred...

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